Emily's Tears is my first novel. Being my first, I wanted to see how raw I could make this book. Would I capture the feelings my wife and I were going through as we had recently lost a daughter we were trying to adopt? Could I capture that pain and the struggle of processing that loss?
I think Emily's Tears does a good job engaging the reader and bringing them into the pain and suffering foster parents and the foster children experience as they interact with Child Protective Services.
When I wrote Emily's Tears my goal was to make it short enough the reader could complete the book in one sitting and ride the emotional roller coaster from page one to completion.
Revoked Consent is my second novel. I was inspired to write this story after listening to the Vonu Podcast and Liberty Under Attack Radio Podcast's. The hosts of these podcasts mentioned political assassination as a means to achieve a political end. As they were discussing the topic, which of course has a long history in the world, I started thinking about what that might look like in today's world with the digital controls on money transfers. Meanwhile Bitcoin was really starting to gain a lot of traction and other e'coins were being developed and it seemed blockchain technology was going to revolutionize the world of information storage and transfer.
I decided through the use of the blockchain, secure and safe financial transactions could occur that would enable those wishing to engage in political assassination to get paid for their efforts. It is a logical development and I have no doubt many elements of the black and grey market are conducting business right now using e'coins to evade taxes and a paper trail for their purchases.
The Genetic God is my longest held story, but I did not write and publish it until third. I originally thought of this idea while sitting in the MITRE office building in Washington DC, waiting for my contact to arrive. Being the kind of person who chronically arrives early, I had about an hour to kill while I waited. After drinking my coffee I started jotting down notes on a napkin and before you know it, I had this entire story fleshed out on the front and back of your standard brown napkin.
The Genetic God stands alone as a self contained story, but it also has a Part II I have not written yet. I have it fleshed out and have even told multiple people about it. This is one of my favorite stories because it captures some locations in Washington State I grew up and lived in.
Train, Deploy, and Report: The Biblical Model of Evangelism is my fourth book. I wrote this during a productive season on ministry. After nearly a decade of full time vocational ministry I have realized that most Christians have never led a single person to faith. Many are involved in the process of discipleship through their service within their local church, but most have not led a single person to faith.
After thinking about this and while reading the Bible one day, I realized there is a very simple method of reaching the lost that Jesus trained the Apostles with, sent them out to do, and then tasked them to return and provide an update. I thought I would aid Christians to see this simple method while at the same time encouraging them to implement it with their own lives.
Just this week I was speaking with a member of my local church and said, "Jim, if every believer in our church won a single person this year, we would double. Then if we repeated it again next year we would double that, and then if we did it again, we would double again." It really is this easy, but most believers will never approach someone with the intent to win them to faith.
I prepared a 28 Day Prayer Guide for my church. I wanted to engage the entire church body in prayer over the course of a month for our entire congregation. Speaking for myself it is too hard to pray for fifty people at once, without making the prayer super general and non-specific. I wanted to divide the church over the span of a month so we would only have a limited number to pray for each day, but over the course of the month we would pray for all.
I left additional blanks on each page and it is my hope other churches will do the same thing for their body. They can buy these guides and write the names of their members on the lines and then each month, each person in their church will know they have been on the receiving end of targeted and focused prayer. I think it is way to easy to ignore prayer and this guide is designed to help you pray for your fellow laborers and in the process, change your community.
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